HACC Cluster Access

Direct SSH:

You can log into the cluster via the following login nodes

  • xacc-lg-000-1.csl.illinois.edu
  • xacc-lg-001-1.csl.illinois.edu
  • xacc-lg-002-1.csl.illinois.edu

Users inside UIUC, may directly log SSH into the nodes as follows:

ssh <xacc-username>@xacc-lg-000-1.csl.illinois.edu

Users outside UIUC must log into the UIUC VPN via their provided netID and password, and then ssh into one of the login nodes. Details on UIUC VPN access are available here.

The login nodes provide an entry point to the cluster. You can submit and monitor jobs from here. You may also access and edit files on these nodes. Please do not attempt to run jobs on these nodes.

Users can then run their compilations on the development server. You can access the development server via SSH from a login node.

  • xacc-head-000-5.csl.illinois.edu

Users inside UIUC, may directly log SSH into the nodes as follows:

ssh <xacc-username>@xacc-head-000-5.csl.illinois.edu

Please be considerate of other users and do not oversubscribe resources.

NOTE: In the future direct SSH to the development node may be disabled, and users may need to request time on the node via the scheduler.

Graphics Support:

We do not currently have GUI support. Please use command line tools and scripts for all your interactions with tools and nodes.

User IDs and Passwords:

Your UIUC NetID might be the same as the your HACC username. However, they are maintained by two different credential servers. Changing the password of one, doesn’t affect the other.

When logging into the UIUC VPN, please use your UIUC NetID + Active Directory password. Then, when you SSH into the cluster or log into the website, please use your HACC username and password.

Please contact the system administrator if you forget your HACC password or username. For trouble with your UIUC NetID or UIUC VPN, please contact UIUC’s IT services.